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PetAlive Aggression Formula Granules

PetAlive Aggression Formula Granules

PetAlive Aggression Formula Granules

Native Remedies

Natural medicine for excessive biting, scratching, barking/meowing, and disruptive pet behaviors

  • Homeopathic medicine temporarily reduces behavior problems in nervous or high-strung cats and dogs.*
  • Discourages disruptive behaviors such as excessive biting, chewing, scratching, and barking or meowing.*
  • Promotes good social behavior and reduces dominant behavior.*
  • Supports temporary feelings of calm and nervous system functioning.*
  • Promotes your pet's ability to relax during new or stressful situations.*

What is Aggression Formula™?

Aggression Formula™ is a safe, non-addictive, natural remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected to temporarily calm and reduce problem behavior in highly strung and nervous pets.

Aggression Formula™ contains ingredients well known to support peaceful attitudes - thereby contributing to socialization efforts and helping your pet to relax and enjoy the company of other people and animals.

It's also an excellent companion to PetCalmª, which temporarily relieves symptoms of nervousness in pets during stressful situations.

The pleasant tasting granules are simply sprinkled in a favorite treat or on your pet's tongue and rapidly absorbed in the mouth, while the spray can be administered directly into your pet's mouth or sprayed on their food or water.

Aggression Formula™ may be administered daily or used occasionally for pets that need it only for specific situations.

All PetAlive® homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are manufactured in an FDA-registered and cGMP-compliant pharmaceutical facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

Social Behavior in Pets

Well-behaved and sociable pets are a delight, but some animals have difficulty interacting with other pets, children or strangers. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including upbringing, socialization problems or past experience. Such pets may display a tendency to bite, growl, scratch or even attack in certain situations - causing a great deal of worry for their owners, who are often at a loss to explain or understand their pet's behavior.

Although some breeds are definitely more prone to socialization problems than others, experts say there are usually underlying reasons for their behavior, such as routine problems relating to breeding, past abuse and physical discomfort. Sometimes the poor pet may just be trying to do its job (such as the dog that barks at the postman) but other times owners are desperate to find a solution for their pet's behavior.

The Natural Way

There are many things which can be done to calm your pet and encourage good social behavior. Here are some tips:

  • Sometimes dominance issues or nervousness can play a part. Consult an animal behaviorist for insight into your pet's problem.
  • Animals that fight over food should be fed on their own in a different room.
  • If a normally calm animal suddenly changes into a socially difficult one, consult a holistic vet as soon as possible, as there may be underlying health problems.
  • Have there been any recent changes in your pet's environment, which may have upset him? Changes such as a new baby or a job that keeps you away for longer periods than before may be the explanation.
  • Regular exercise is a good outlet for pent up emotions and will help to keep your pet healthy and fit. But keep your dog on a leash at all times and consider investing in a muzzle if necessary.
  • Ensure your pet is eating a balanced, high quality diet with plenty of raw and unprocessed food (preferably organic). Many behavioral problems can be related to an inadequate diet. Some experts say that animals that are prone to fighting may be eating too much protein. Speak to your vet about introducing more carbohydrate (e.g. rice) and vegetables.
  • As a last resort, neutering your male dog or cat may help to control aggressive behavior.
  • There are many herbs which have been traditionally used to maintain nervous system harmony and support calm behavior. Used as part of a holistic approach, these can make all the difference to your pet.

What are the ingredients?

Aggression Formula™ is 100% homeopathic, contains these HPUS ingredients, and has the following indications (purposes): Arsen alb 30C, Belladonna 30C, Chamomilla 6X, Hepar sulph calc 30C, Scutellaria 6X.

  • Arsen alb 30C: great anguish and restlessness, great fear, restlessness and worry, alternating and changing mood.
  • Belladonna 30C: furious excitement, hyperaethesia of all senses, furious rages.
  • Chamomilla 6X: oversensitive, anger and vexation; irritable, easily angered, moody and hateful.
  • Hepar sulph calc 30C: the slightest cause irritates. Hypersensitivity to pain, tendency towards violent anger.
  • Scutellaria 6X: nervous sedative, where nervous fear predominates.
  • Inactive Ingredients: Corn Starch, Sucrose.

*Usage claims for this product are based on Homeopathic Materia Medica, a system of medicine practiced around the world for over 200 years. There are no current federally recognized clinical or scientific studies in regards to the efficacy of this product or homeopathy in general. The practice of homeopathic medicine is not accepted by all medical experts. These 'Uses' have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product has not been clinically tested by Silver Star Brands, Inc.

SKU NR 371823
Weight 0.25 lbs
Our price: $39.96
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