Gastro Health

Gastro Health

Gastro Health

Keep your stomach happy with a blend of herbal extracts traditionally honored for their ability to support GI tract health & function.

  • Relieves occasional stomach distress
  • Supports the digestive and intestinal function & microflora
60 Capsules
10 Day Supply
30 Servings

How it works

Gastro Health contains ingredients that have been shown to inhibit the growth and adhesion of unfavorable organisms in the GI tract.

Why Gastro Health?

Decades ago, Nature’s Sunshine product innovators set out to create a novel, botanical formula that would provide targeted digestive system support. After testing hundreds of herbs in the lab, our product designers settled on a unique formulation. Gastro Health features the immune-supporting benefits of pau d’arco bark. Because of overharvesting, these trees are a protected species in Brazil. To preserve this herbal wonder for future generations, we work with experienced, native partners to ensure that the inner bark material is carefully and legally acquired. It’s also non-GMO project verified.

The Story Behind Gastro Health Concentrate

Ancient Greeks and Romans used licorice root for health benefits. Traditional Chinese Medicines relied on licorice to provide respiratory, digestive and reproductive system support. Pau d’arco’s dense, rot-resistant wood makes excellent hunting bows and building material. According to records, it was used by the Incas, the Kallawayas and other native South American groups for its many healing properties. Its Latin name Tabebuia heptaphylla led to the nickname taheebo, and many people from the region are familiar with taheebo tea. Clove flowers grow on tropical evergreen trees in Indonesia, Madagascar and Tanzania. They have a history of traditional use and are linked with oral health. Greeks and Romans used elecampane for a number of things including digestive and respiratory concerns. Hippocrates advocated it for the kidneys, brain, uterus and stomach. Roman author, naturalist and military commander Pliny said that eating elecampane daily would “help digestion and cause mirth.” And we can all use a little more mirth.

Recommended use

Take two capsules with a meal twice daily, plus two capsules at bedtime with a glass of water.

One function of this supplement is to inhibit the growth of H. pylori bacteria, which may be the main cause of stomach ulcers. The ingredients in this blend may have an inhibiting effect on this harmful bacteria.

In addition, this formula may also have a soothing effect on the stomach. It may also minimize discomfort and irritation in the digestive system. Also, Gastro Health contains ingredients which offer vital nutrition to the stomach and digestive system. These nutrients are essential during times of strain, discomfort and stress. This formula is a proprietary blend of ingredients such as deglycyrrhizinated licorice extract, pau d’arco, inula racemosa and, capsicum fruit and cloves flower. Each of these ingredients works separately and together to benefit the gastrointestinal system.

Deglycyrhizinated licorice extract, or DGLE, has been shown in clinical studies to soothe irritation in the stomach. Pau d’arco is a bark that has many functions, including assisting digestion and improving immunity. Capsicum is yet another ingredient that may provide comfort to inflammed digestive passages and encourage gastrointestinal health. These beneficial ingredients have been concentrated by Natures Sunshine into capsule form which is convenient and easy to take.

Weight 0.25 lbs
Our price: $27.99
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